Basics Skills and Rules of Football
There are different basic Skills of football and team tactics in the game of Football. Football is a very simple game. All of us need to know the basic skills of the game. Basic skills help to become a good player.
If footballers do not know how to pass, kick, and control the ball, they cannot play the game. If they do not know how to pass and receive the ball in Football, they will not be Good and successful players. Shooting, controlling, and dribbling are a few important skills. We must understand and keep in mind that these skills should be practiced regularly to learn and master them.
Football is played between two teams. There are 11 players in each team. The game aims to score as many goals by kicking, heading, or using any part of the body except the arms and hands. The game is played for 45 minutes for each half. There is a halftime break in between. The half-time is of 15 minutes.
Football Field Dimension
√ Length: minimum of 90 meters and a maximum of 120 meters
√ Width: minimum of 45 meters and maximum of 90 meters.
√ The rectangular goals are 24 feet wide and 8 feet high. Goalposts and a crossbar are 24 feet wide and 8 feet high.

Fundamental skills of football
a). Kicking
Kicking is the most important skill in the game of football. There are many other skills but without kicking no team can play a winning game. We play the game to entertain ourselves and more importantly, to win. Some other skills in the game of football are dribbling, heading, trapping, throw-in, goal, keeping, passing, etc.
We kick the football to score the goal and to win the game. The goal is scored when the ball passes beyond the goalkeeper and the goal line within the goal area.
There are different types of kicks in the game of football. Some of them are as follows:
- In-step Kick
- In-side Step Kick
- Out-step Kick.
In-step Kick is the most powerful kick of all. These three kicks are the main kicks and some other kicks are; Toe Kick, Heel Kick, etc. It is important to keep the body in the proper position when we are kicking the ball.
√ Instep Kick
In-step is the upper surface of the foot, which is also known as “the laces”. This kick is mainly for shooting. The in-step kick needs the running straight to the ball, placing your non-kicking foot beside the ball. And swinging your kicking leg quickly forward Contact the ball with your shoelaces, keeping your ankles locked.
1. The player should look up to see the position to kick the ball.
2. Approach the ball.
3. Plant the non-kicking foot beside or slightly ahead of the ball, which helps to keep the shot low.
4. Keep your eyes on the ball.
5. The toes and the body should be in the direction of the shot.
6. The weight of the body should come over the ball.
7. The knee of the non-kicking foot should be slightly bent.
8. Make proper contact with the ball. The ball should be in contact with the part of the shoelace of your shoe.
9. Contact at the middle of the ball. This will help the ball to roll and is the most powerful kick among all kicks.
10. The ankle of the kicking foot should be locked and the toe pointed down.
11. Follow-through to keep the ball low (weight on the kicking foot).
√ Inside Step Kick
An inside Step Kick is used for long-distance passes or shots. It requires a run-up to the ball at a 45-degree angle, placing your non-kicking foot beside and behind the ball, contacting the ball with the inner side of your instep, and kicking the ball with the required force for the ball to reach your target. Lock your ankle as firmly as possible.
√ Out-step Kick in Football
Out-step Kick in football is the foot opposite to the inside step. Thu you surprise the opponent. This kick helps to swing and curve away from you This kick can be used for short passes and distance kicking and corner kicks. You should take a long approach stride and contact the ball with the outside of your foot. You need to keep your ankle locked.
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b). Trapping is a basic skill in Football
Trapping is an essential skill in football to stop a moving ball and gain control, of the moving ball. It is played with the feet, thighs, chest, head, or any other parts of the body except the hands.
The moving ball should be controlled by getting in front of the ball and moving the part of the body that is doing the trapping.

This will help the ball to come under your control and help it to stop close to the body. All football players must learn to trap the ball.
Trapping a football means stopping the ball so that one can control the ball. Trapping football is a basic skill but it is one of the most important football skills to learn.
Types of Trapping in Football
1). Instep trapping in football
2). Step trapping in football
3). Thigh trapping in football
4). Chest trapping in football
The football match should be played on the ground and in the air. It is different to receive the football on the ground than in the air. The following point will help when receiving the ball on the ground.
- Keep your eyes on the ball.
- Choose which foot to control the ball with.
- Receive the ball with the toe pointed up (ankle locked)
- Do not stop the ball completely. Instead, push the next action such as a shot, dribble, pass, or to opponents.
√ Receiving the ball in the air
i. Keep your eyes on the ball.
ii. Read the flight, speed, and trenbolone acetate where to buy the direction of the ball.
iii. Decide which part of the body to use to control the ball (foot, thigh chest, or head).
iv. Prepare to receive the ball by cushioning the ball with the part of the body to slow it down and prepare for the next touch.
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c). Heading
Football heading skills are important to know the skills of heading the ball properly. If this skill should be properly carried out, it could hurt the head and cause damage to the brain.
All beginners should start heading the ball with a volleyball because it is lighter than a football. The most important thing you should remember is to always use the forehead to head the ball. Most of us make a mistake using the upper part of the head.
We must avoid this. Another mistake is that we shut our eyes at the time of heading the ball. The point to remember is that the ball will never hit on the eyes whether you shut your eyes or not. It is our instinct and the reflex that makes our eyes shut at the time of contacting the ball with the forehead.

√ Football skills Heading
Good ways to practice how to head a soccer ball for begins:
i. Hold the ball in your hands and bring it toward you while keeping your eyes on the ball and make a slight impact on the ball with your forehead.
ii. After practicing this skill for some time one partner Should toss the volleyball over the head and another one should head the ball.
iii. Make sure you do not toss it very high in the beginning.
iv. Once you are confident with the heading you can start head juggling with your partner or even on your own.
The heading is a basic and important skill in the game of football. If you are heading at goal, you should head it down hard into the corner of the goal away from the keeper.
But if you want to head it for clearance, you should head the ball up in the air and try to send it as far as possible.
i. Toss the ball in the air or have someone toss it to you.
ii. Plant your feet or step forward and e ball with your forehead.
iii. Keep your eyes open when you meet the ball with your forehead.
iv. Keep your mouth shut and clench your teeth.
Dribbling is one of the most important and useful attacking moves. The players try to move the ball towards the opponent’s goal for scoring. The process of pushing Dribbling the bail and moving forward or within the playing area is called dribbling. The objective of dribbling is to move the ball while keeping it in control and protecting it from defensive players. Feet are used for dribbling the ball. Dribbling helps the player to fake the opponents and move forward.

The skill of dribbling can be improved with the following practices.
(a) Line up in a file set about 25 meters back from a pole. The distance between the pole and the file can be set as per the availability of the ground. It is better to keep the distance as long as possible.
(b) The front player standing in the file starts dribbling the football ahead. The player turns around the pole, dribbles back towards the file, passes the football to the second player of the tile, and joins the file at the back.
(c) The second player executes a similar dribble, passes the football to the third player, and joins the file at the back.
d) This process is continued until all the players get a turn.
e) This practice can be extended as per the availability of time and skill of the Footballer.
If the football goes out of bounds over a sideline, then the opposing team puts it back into play with a throw-in. To make a throw-in, a player outside the sideline or touchline throws the ball to a teammate who is in play. A throw-in is taken Throw-in along the touch-line at the point where the ball went out of play. The ball must be thrown with both hands.

– The thrower must face the play. – part of each foot must be on the ground As s/he releases the ball, either behind or on the touch-line.
– If these rules are infringed, the ball possession goes to the opposing team for the throw-in.
A goal cannot be scored from a throw-in.
– The person who made a throw-in is not allowed to play the ball until it has been touched by any other player.
Goal Keeping
The goalkeeper is a defensive player positioned in or near a goal whose main job is to keep the ball away from crossing the goal line. The goalkeeper is the only player allowed to touch the ball (within the penalty area) with their hands while it is in play.

Goalkeeping is one of the major skills among many defensive skills. The goalkeeper needs to pay attention to the following points for good goalkeeping.
i. Get behind the line of the ball.
ii. Catch the ball with both hands to save the goal.
iii. Tip-off or punch the ball over the crossbar to prevent it from going into the goal.
iv. Jump and punch the ball. Dive and catch or punch the ball.
v. Powerful goal kick.
Catching the Rolling Ball
√ Drill Number I
i. Two students should stand facing each other about 10 meters apart the should collect it with both hands. other
ii. The first partner should push the ball on the ground with the foot and the other should collect it with both hands.
iii. The feet should be apart so as not to let the ball through the legs.
iv. The ball should be brought under control after collecting.
v. The collected ball should be placed on the ground and pushed with the partner. foot to
vi. Continue for about 20 times.
vii. If the balls are insufficient, students should make two files with an equal number on Both sides.
viii, One team should push the ball with the foot and the other team member at the front should collect the ball as before.
ix. Roll or push the ball back to the other side as before and join the file at the back. Continue this process about 10 times each.
√ Drill Number 2
i. Roll the ball on either side to the partner.
ii. The partner to receive should move behind the ball to collect.
iii. The body should come behind the ball at the time of collection.
iv. The knees should be flexed comfortably and reach down to collect the ball.
v. Continue the drill about 10 times.
iv. The ball should be rolled with a soft kick to reach the partner in the beginning. Later it can be a little quicker.
v. Eyes should be always fixed on the ball.
Catching the Aerial Ball
i. Keep your feet apart with the knees flexed at a comfortable position.
ii. Always anticipate with eyes on the ball.
iii. One partner should toss the ball over the goalkeeper’s head.
iv. Jump and collect the ball.
v. Fingers should be spread wide apart.
vi. The ball coming at chest level should be pulled towards you. The body should be pulled backward along with the ball to lessen the impact of the ball on the chest or stomach.
vii. Make two files.
viii. The student standing at the front of the file should toss the ball to the person on the other file. ix. After tossing the ball, the person should join the file at the back.
x. After receiving the ball, the person should toss the ball to the person on the other file and join the file at the back.
xi. After a few practices, the turn should be switched.

Shooting is the most needed skill in football. Beginner players should start practising by shooting a football to the goal Post. Shooting helps players to boost their confidence and it makes their legs strong.
One-Pass Shooting Drill
- Place one player outside the penalty area and another to the side of the goal.
- The player at the side of the goal passes to the other player.
- This player receives the ball and taps it in front to take a step.
- And then shoots, the shooter should work on solid contact and accuracy on the ball.
Basic Rules of Football
Here are some basic rules for the game of football.
– The game begins with a toss between the two competing teams. The winner of first, the toss chooses either the side of the court or the opportunity to kick off the ball.
– If a player makes a foul while defending in the penalty area, the opponent team is given a chance for a penalty shoot.
– A game is played in two halves of 45 minutes each.
– Each team has eleven players. cap
– The game begins with the toss of a coin and the winning which goal to defend or take the first kick-off.
– All players must use their feet head or chest to play the ball.
– Only the goalkeeper is allowed to use their hands and only within their penalty area.
– The game aims to score as many goals as possible.
– Goals can be scored by kicking or heading.
– If the ball touches or crosses the sideline, it is thrown back into the play by one of the opponent team members.
– The game is controlled by a referee and two linesmen.
– Free kicks and penalties are awarded when rules are breached.
– For continual breaching of rules or a bad foul, the player may be sent off.
– A team is declared the winner if it scores more points than the other within the game period.
– Draw matches are Further scheduled for the additional play of 30 minutes. If not decided, the penalty shoot is held.
The practice of blocking a rolling ball:
To practice blocking a rolling ball, the m students line up in a file. While standing, they extend their legs in such a way that the hail cannot pass from the gap between their legs. There is a skilled striker or an instructor in front of the file. The striker strikes the ball to the front-most player of the file and the front player catches the rolling ball.
After catching, the first player gives the ball to the tile striker again and goes back to join the file. The striker, again, strikes the hall towards the second player, who executes a similar procedure again. All the players practice the skill turn by turn.
The practice of blocking high ball:
To practice blocking a high ball, the students line up in a file, There is a skilled striker or the instructor in front Of the file.
The striker strikes the ball high to the first player on the file. The player blocks or catches the high ball returns the ball to the striker and goes back to join the file again.
The striker, again, strikes the ball towards the second player, who executes a similar procedure. All the players practice the skill turn by turn.
Basic Rules of 5-0 side Football
The basic rules of the game are the same as regular football. The main objective is to put the ball in the back of your opponent’s goal. In 5-o-side football, the small and softer ball can be used, but if it is not available then the number 5 reg football can be used.
√ Pre-Exercises To Improve Football Skills
1. Box Blast
2. Calves
3. The Base Rotation
4. Drag Backs
5. Ball Mastery Drill
1. what is trapping in football?
Trapping is an essential skill in football to stop a moving ball and gain control, of the moving ball. It is played with the feet, thighs, chest, head, or any other parts of the body except the hands.
2. Do u23 team matches affect senior team rankings in football?