Best New FPS Games PC
Starting off with the number 20,
“In Sound Mind”
Now, this is a fairly unique-looking game. It’s a first-person shooter/survival horror set in what they call an”inexplicable building.”
It’s sort of a supernatural mystery game where you’re trying to unravel how to escape while solving various environmental puzzles, and supposedly, the game will contain some pretty unique boss fights. If you’re familiar with”Nightmare House 2.”
It’s the developers that made that. “In Sound Mind” is coming to PC, PS5, Xbox Series X, and Switch, September 28th.
“Bright Memory: Infinite”
This is one of those games where the story looks cool, but the main reason to play it is how fast-paced and wild the gameplay looks. It’s like if “Dishonored” was actually “Doom,” where you’re just throwing crap around and shooting it.
It’s set in a futuristic metropolis and manages to incorporate a bunch of interesting ideas in the environment and the story, but in truth, the frenetic gameplay is what looks like the most interesting aspect of it.
We do not have a specific date, but it is still landing on the PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X sometime this year.
“The House of the Dead”
Now, this is a first-person shooter, but it is an on-rails one, it’s an arcade shooter, and honestly, I’m stoked that it’s coming back.
Now, it’s a pretty old game from 1996, but it is a full remake, and it looks way better. In terms of old light gun games, it’s also probably one of the best to do this with, and the Switch is a great platform to do it on. We don’t have an exact date, but it is coming sometime within the remainder of 2021.
“After the Fall”
“After the Fall” is set in a post-apocalyptic 1980s Los Angeles that is actually covered in ice. Now, this is a co-op zombie shooter, so you can probably guess that it is inspired by “Left 4 Dead.”
However, the VR element makes it a kind of different animal, and I think that that makes it very worth checking out. We don’t have a date. It is coming sometime in 2021, though, to PC, PS4, and Oculus.
A space shooter, and when I say a space shooter, it’s very literally a shooter in space. You’ll be an astronaut, you will be armed, and combat will take place in zero gravity.
Now, this is a game that both looks kind of outwardly silly, as well as completely awesome. I do not know why you would need an orbital security detail, but it does seem to be a pretty good excuse for a shooter. “Boundary” is coming to PC and PS4 sometime in the latter half of 2021.
“Shadow Warrior 3”
The latest in the grappling, slicing, fast-paced shooting, visually very stylish, and gory series brings its very fluid gameplay to another entry. It’s actually been a while since the last one. The rebooted “ShadowWarrior” happened in 2013, and its sequel happened in 2016.
The sequel itself was a solid building on the original reboot, and it looks a lot like this the sequel is the same on top of “Shadow Warrior 2.” I’m really looking forward to it. It’s landing on PC, PS4, and Xbox One sometime in the latter half of ’21.
“Hell Let Loose”
At number 14 is “Hell Let Loose,” a World War II action shooter, which focuses on 100-player multiplayer matches, and I’ve seen a number of people regard it as what “Battlefield V” should have been.
Not that “Battlefield V” is bad. It’s that “Hell Let Loose” really does the job in terms of what it’s supposed to be. Now, it came out back in July for the PC but is landing on the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X on October 5th.
“Cruelty Squad”
At number 13 is “Cruelty Squad,” a game that has been out in early access since January. It is a very, very silly-looking game, but you will find that it actually is a good game.
It came out of early access in June. It describes itself as an immersive power fantasy simulator with tactical stealth elements set in a sewage-infused garbage world, and the description does not do it justice.
It is just a game that works to resist basically every trend in the first-person shooters and manages to do it well. It is not a good-looking game, and that is on purpose. It is intended to offend the senses. It’s a difficult game, too, and it does some totally insane stuff. At 20 bucks, it’s beyond worth it.
“Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts 2”
A game that continues the more mission-based gameplay of the original “Contracts” game. It is a very, very good sniping game.
The “Sniper” series and the previous “GhostWarrior Contracts,” they’re just good games, and this gives you a great new single-player campaign that improves upon it in more than a few ways. This game came out back in June and has a very well-deserved great reputation.
“Boomerang X”
“Boomerang X,” which is a very different-looking game. It centers around a specific mechanic, which is a mystical boomerang that kind of functions as both a weapon and a grappling hook.
It’s also got an extremely unique look to it, very cartoon-oriented, but not in the typical way you see video games looking cartoony.
It’s just a different take on an FPS that really works well. It’s out on the PlayStations, the Xboxes, and PC pretty much everywhere, so give it a shot.
“Necromunda: Hired Gun”
Very different FPS, honestly, that takes place in the Warhammer 40K universe, Necromunda, obviously, being one of the biggest hive cities. It’s a fast-paced game with a lot of different stuff in it, where it really incentivizes you to customize your weapons and your augments endlessly.
That’s basically the real selling point that makes it different aside from the level design, which is very good. This is one that’s been out since May and I don’t think has gotten the credit it deserves, and it’s out on pretty much everything: PC, the PlayStations, the Xboxes. It definitely deserves some attention.
“WorldWar Z: Aftermath”
Which is again, a game that gave us sort of a third-person interpretation on “Left 4 Dead.” “World War Z: Aftermath”now gives us first-person if you want to play it more like “Left 4 Dead.”
This is a game that really took sort of zombie horde mechanics and made it into something that works in “Left 4 Dead,” as opposed to something that is just like an open world, one-player, single-player-type experience, like what we saw in “Days Gone.”
It’s something that works really well, and I think “Aftermath” is a more complete and enjoyable package than the original game, at least from the looks, even though I wouldn’t say that I had any major criticism for the original game. “World War Z: Aftermath” islanding on September 21st for the PC, PS4, PS5, XboxOne, and Xbox Series X.
“Severed Steel”
“Severed Steel,” is a really interesting bullet time-oriented game with fully destructible voxel-based environments. It kind of looks as if “FEAR” had much more stylish visuals and destructible environments, and that’s something I want to play.
“Severed Steel” actually comes out in a couple of days for the PlayStations, the Xboxes, and PC and Switch. Look out for it on September 17th.
“Back 4Blood”
Let’s just be clear. The developers of “Left 4Dead” got tired of waiting for Valve to say, hey, make another “Left 4 Dead,” so they made “Back 4 Blood,” which is by all intents and purposes the spiritual successor and a continuation of that series. It looks like exactly what I would want from it, too.
It looks like “Left 4 Dead” with a nice graphical upgrade and maybe a slightly more interesting/interactive level design. “Back 4 Blood” is coming to PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X,and PC on October 12th.
“Battlefield 2042”
The new purely multiplayer”Battlefield” game. There is no single-player campaign in “2042,” which is probably what explains the 2042 aspect of it. Why not make things a little bit futuristic for fun?
One of the big things this game is advertising itself on is the extreme weather effects they’re adding, like tornadoes and sandstorms, and they’re also keeping the destructive environments from “Battlefield 4.”
It looks like, in terms of multiplayer shooters, pretty interesting. The PC and current-generation consoles will support 128 players, while PS4 and Xbox One are only gonna do 64.
That’s the only major player difference between the versions, though, so it looks pretty interesting, along with this Battlefield Portal mode that lets you create your own modes. “Battlefield 2042” is coming to the PlayStations, the Xboxes, and PC on November 19th.
“Far Cry 6”
Gives us a new and frankly pretty interesting-looking Caribbean dictatorship setting with a president named Anton Castillo, who is played by the guy who portrayed Gus Fring in “Breaking Bad.” There’s also a number of interesting-looking crossovers, like Danny Trejo and even Rambo.
It’s another “Far Cry” game in another location with a fairly different-looking story. It’s landing on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, as well as the streaming services on October 7th.
“Halo Infinite”
“Halo Infinite,” is really probably one of the biggest anticipated releases of the last couple of years. In some ways, it looks like they’re attempting to return to the roots of “Halo,” make the visuals be more reminiscent of the first couple of “Halo” games, while also being significantly better, obviously, and in some ways, it looks like they’re trying to tell a fairly new story.
Obviously, this is the new Xbox flagship game, but it is also coming out on PC and Xbox One, as well as the XboxSeries X on December 8th.
“Resident Evil Village”
Which continues the story from “Resident Evil 7,” although, from the very start, this game has a lot more Resident Evil-ish immediately, rather than slowly revealing itself as an honestly fairly traditional”Resident Evil” game.
There is so much going on in this game that it’s hard to sum it up, but it is full of personality and actually has a pretty good story. That came out way back in May. It’s available on the PlayStations, the Xboxes, and PC.
“Call of Duty: Vanguard”
“Call of Duty: Vanguard,” a game set in the World War II era, which looks to add a few features, like the ability to blind-fire from behind cover, and it also continues the ability to mount wielded weapons to flat surfaces a la “Modern Warfare.” It is obviously going to include a multiplayer mode, as well as a Zombies mode.
But the main campaign is going to take place over a span of four different frontlines in World War II. I mean, it’s the next “Call of Duty” game. It’s obviously gonna be huge, and it’s coming out on the PlayStations, the Xboxes, and PC on November 5th.
I’ve had faith in for quite a while. You know if you pay attention to our videos that I love Arkane Studios, and this is a game that has really proven the doubters wrong. I mean, if you like “Dishonored,” you’re probably gonna like “Deathloop.” It’s kind of like, and I think Jake summed it up really well in the Before You Buy… I’d recommend watching.
It’s like a “Dishonored” lite that lets you enjoy some of the main mechanics of it while plopping it into a faster pace and structure that allows for a lot of choice and agency but also keeps you on track.
And the risk really paid off. This game is fun as hell. I love it. I don’t know if I love it more than “Dishonored,” because again, the structure makes it a slightly different experience, but it’s definitely up there for me. It’s a timed exclusive right now. It is out on PS5 and PC, and I highly recommend it.
Bonus Games
It is great. A couple of quick bonus games for you. First, “Isonzo,” which is an FPS that takes place in mountainous areas in World War I. That’s coming to the PlayStations, the Xboxes, and PC supposedly in quarter four, but might be delayed to quarter one of next year.
Next is “Nine to Five,” a 3V3V3 team-focused first-person shooter with mercenaries and a lot of weapon customization.
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