Download League of Legends in PC/ Android l League of Legends system requirements new league of legends client l how to play league of legends


  Download League of Legends in PC/Android  

Today, I will tell you how can you Download League of Legends in PC there are 2 Method in which First is much simple than Second if the First Method did not work then you can go for the Second Method.

  First Method:  

You need to search Vortex in Browser you will be redirected to Vortex. Now you have to Search League of Legends. After Searching you have to click on play this Device simply Download will start and Don’t forget to choose on which device you gonna play.

Download League of Legends in PC
Download League of Legends in PC

For Android Simply click on. Install Vortex than Download League of Legends in Mobile.

  Second Method:  

So first of all, you want to open up Google Chrome and go to the website Okay. Once you’re there you want to click on “Play now”. Over here, you see sign up page to make a new League of Legends account. So if you don’t already have an account you want to put in your details. Put in your username first of all. Password. Your email. Date of Birth.

Download League of Legends in PC
Download League of Legends in PC

And of course, accept their terms of the agreement, and if you want to receive emails, just check that box. So you don’t have to do this if you already have an account, but if you’re new and you want to make a new account, just follow what I do on the screen. So once you’ve clicked sign up, they give you this download page. So if you have Windows, you want to click the download page.

But make sure you pick, in the drop-down menu, the region which you’re in. So, if you’re in EU East, you can just pick that client. Click download, and wait for the installer to start downloading. Okay, so once it’s done downloading you want to click on the installer. And here you can see the setup for League of Legends is going to start. So you want to click on Next, I agree, Next, Next, Next Again. If you want to download it in a different location, you can just click browse and choose wherever you want to download it.

Download League of Legends in PC
Download League of Legends in PC

They might ask you to download some extra software, especially if it’s the first time you’re downloading the game. So don’t worry about that it’s just software you need for the graphics and stuff like that for the game. So now you just want it to continue installing. And once it’s done, make sure the box for “Launch League of Legends” is checked and click on Finish. So now the actual game is going to start running.

You have to wait a little bit for the League ofLegends client to start. Okay, so once it loads up they’re going to ask for your permission to review the terms, so you want to click on accept. And now there’s only one more step left before you can actually play which is the game has to update before you play it.

This is by far the step that will take the longest amount the time just because you’ve never updated the game before, so there are so many updates you have to download. So this could take a couple of hours for you.

So once the updating is finished, as you can see you can now click on “Launch”. And when you do click on Launch they’re going to ask you to log in to your account, and you can just log in and start playing straight away.

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