Secret Neighbor Horror game

Secret Neighbor Horror Game

In this article, we will describe the Secret Neighbor Horror game.


  Secret Neighbor Horror Game  

Secret Neighbor is a multiplayer social Horror game for low-end pc set In the Hello Neighbor universe. 6 kids try to sneak into their creepy neighbor’s house, trying to get into the locked basement door, only to realize that one of them is the neighbor in disguise.

The events of this game take place between the first and second acts of the original Hello Neighbor game, and I am assuming it’s a group of random kids instead of the player character from the original game.

As the neighbor, you can choose from several classes and use everything in your power to prevent the kids from succeeding. Initially, you are in disguise and it is up to you to gain the trust of your fellow players to lure them away from the group and make them disappear.

You have bear traps, secret rooms, and smoke bombs at your disposal to make sure you succeed, rather than this uncontrollable spawn.



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